New LinkedIn Analytics Tools

LinkedIn Analytics Tools

Just before the holiday season, there has been an announcement for new LinkedIn Analytics tools, which includes audience analytics tool, follower growth tool and demographic insights.

First off, on follower growth – similar to other apps, LinkedIn will now provide insights into audience growth over time, in order to help you track your overall performance.

New LinkedIn Analytics Tools

In the words of LinkedIn –

“In the ‘Audience’ tab, creators can now track their follower growth so they can understand and discover trends. This information can help them determine if a conversation topic, new visual format, or speaking opportunity may have influenced their follower growth, helping them inform their strategy moving forward.”

Secondly, under the new LinkedIn Analytics tools is a new Demographics section, which, as you can also see in the image above, will be located just below your follower growth chart, and will provide a breakdown of your follower base.

You’ll also now be able to check out your top-performing posts in the app, with a new display in the ‘Posts’ tab.

“Creators can now see up to three of their top-performing posts by either impressions or engagements over a selected date range. This provides a clear view of what resonates with your audience, so you can share more of what’s working.”

Look at the image below, now you’ll also be able to export your content performance data for deeper analytics.

New LinkedIn Analytics Tools

You can read the complete article on new LinkedIn analytics tools here.

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