New Requirements For Bulk Users On Gmail

Bulk Users On Gmail

Google is working on new requirements for bulk users on Gmail, which would stop spammers from using Gmail for mass promotions.

Bulk users are those users, sending 5000+ emails in a single day!

The new requirements for bulk users on Gmail would be applicable from February 2024.

The following are the requirements –

Authenticate their email – Google says that many senders are still difficult to identify for recipients, so it’s implementing a new requirement that all bulk senders authenticate their emails by enacting DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM). That will add an extra level of verification to senders, which will ensure that recipients can better clarify legitimate sends. Google also notes that senders with DKIM enabled see far fewer rejections via email filters.

Enable easy unsubscription – One of the most annoying email scams is the way that some senders hide their “unsubscribe” option, making it difficult to cut off their promotions, and stop them crowding your inbox. As of February, Google will require that all large senders give Gmail recipients the ability to unsubscribe from commercial email in one click, and that they process unsubscription requests within two days. 

Ensure they’re sending wanted email – Finally, Google’s also going to enforce a clear spam rate threshold that all mass senders must stay under, in order to ensure Gmail recipients aren’t bombarded with unwanted messages. Google says that this is an industry first, which is designed to ensure that spam senders are found out quicker, and cut off from future email access.

Bulk Users On Gmail Bulk Users On Gmail Bulk Users On Gmail Bulk Users On Gmail Bulk Users On Gmail

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