Now Book a Slot for Vaccine using WhatsApp in India

Book a Slot for Vaccine

Now you can book a slot for vaccine using WhatsApp in India – Thanks to WhatsApp and Ministry of Health.

Will Cathcart, Chief Executive Officer, Whatsapp on Twitter said that today we are partnering with the Ministry of Health and @mygovindia to enable people to make their vaccine appointments via WhatsApp.

Powered by Haptik’s AI solutions and supported by, the MyGov Corona Helpdesk on WhatsApp, since its launch in March 2020, has emerged as a good source of COVID-related information during the pandemic and served as a critical instrument in fighting the public-health crisis for over 41 million users across India.

How to book a slot for vaccine using WhatsApp?

Here’s how to book a slot for vaccine –

“Since its launch, MyGov Corona Helpdesk, enabled with support from Haptik and, has evolved into a go-to platform that is not only helping citizens with authentic Corona-related information but is now also aiding them in the process of vaccine booking as also finding vaccination centres and slots and downloading vaccination certificates,” commented Abhishek Singh, CEO MyGov; President & CEO NeGD; MD & CEO Digital India Corporation (DIC) at Govt of India.

“We are thankful to WhatsApp for their continued support in helping us unlock the true potential of this chatbot for citizen help and engagement throughout the trying times of the pandemic,” he added.

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Book a slot for vaccine Book a slot for vaccine Book a slot for vaccine Book a slot for vaccine Book a slot for vaccine Book a slot for vaccine

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