Pinterest 2023 Trend Predictions

Pinterest 2023 Trend

Based on pin activity and engagement, the picturesque platform has made Pinterest 2023 trend predictions.

So what are the key trends of note for 2023?

Pinterest has separated its predictions into four key categories – ‘Fashion’, ‘Home’, ‘Celebrations’ and ‘Wellbeing’.

On the fashion front, Pinterest says that ’airy styles’, using as lace, tulle and ruffles will become increasingly popular, especially among Gen Z and Millennials.

Pinterest 2023 Trend Predictions

In terms of home décor trends, Pinterest says that ‘Hipstoric’ will be a key aesthetic of note.

Pinterest 2023 Trend Predictions

Finally, in wellbeing, Pinterest says that searches around ‘Primal movement’ are on the rise.

Pinterest 2023 Trend Predictions

With 445 million users, and rising, it could be worth considering Pinterest as a platform for your marketing and outreach efforts in 2023.

The full article regarding Pinterest 2023 trend predictions can be accessed here.

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