Russia vs Ukraine : Twitter Advisory

Russia vs Ukraine

Russia vs Ukraine – The dark stories trending on the internet. We all are concerned about Ukraine’s safety. Even Twitter is. In the ongoing unfortunate war between Russia vs Ukraine, human safety is of utmost importance. However, in an age where social media drives communities, Twitter has issues some guidelines on how to keep yourself digitally safe.

This message is doubly important for any anti-war activists or protestors (past or present) attempting to coordinate efforts online. As we saw in the U.S. during 2020’s Black Lives Matter movement and corresponding marches, law enforcement can and will use social media against peaceful protestors.

Here’s what Twitter said yesterday –

“When using Twitter in conflict or other high-risk areas, you need to know how to manage your profile and digital information,” began the first of many tweets (translated into English by Google) from Twitter’s safety team written in Ukrainian. 

The thread continued (Russia vs Ukraine) on for 21 more tweets, each linking out to detailed account security instructions and general cybersecurity best practices. 

“Setting up two-factor authentication ensures that outsiders can’t access your profile,” reads one such tweet (again, translated from Ukrainian by Google). 

“If you think it’s safest to delete your Twitter profile, you must first deactivate it,” cautioned another. “After that, your username, profile, and tweets will not be displayed unless you reactivate them within 30 days.”

“You may want to hide not only your home address but also other locations when posting tweets, so be careful,” warned one.

That’s it.

Let’s pray for Ukrainians.

Wish Russia vs Ukraine ends soon.

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