Single Instagram Story Length May Be Increased

Instagram Story Length

Even though a few weeks back Instagram Story length was increased to 60 seconds, however there was a major pitfall to that update – A 60 second story was broken into four 15 seconds stories while uploading.

Now, Instagram is testing a new feature that lets users post clips of up to 60 seconds as a single upload without a cut every 15 seconds, which means that a single Instagram story length would be increased to 60 seconds.

As noted by Twitter user Matt Navarra (@MattNavarra), Instagram is currently notifying the select group of people who have received the upgrade about the change. The addition will help Instagram one-up rival apps like Snapchat, which also doesn’t let users post or send longer clips via the platform as a single upload.

Instagram Story Length Tweet

This is another step of Meta to push in videos more than still images, and another way to combat the increasing competition form it’s rival apps, especially TikTok.

However, moving up the timer to 60 seconds is not the only new addition. The platform is also using a new interface when creating a story to post. This new interface makes adding elements like the location or tags to other accounts much easier than before.

Instagram Story Length feature is currently under testing.

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