Soon You Can Hide WhatsApp ‘ONLINEIndicator!

Hide WhatsApp

You refrained from reading someone text message, fearing they might see you online! Not anymore! Soon you can hide WhatsApp online indicator.

The indicator pops under your name on others’ phones every time you open the app.

Even though WhatsApp has changed a lot of features in the past few month, the ONLINE indicator has been ignored.

Now, it seems WhatsApp is finally working on this, and may introduce a change to the app in the future that lets you turn off the ‘Online’ status indicator entirely, letting you open the app whenever you want, without letting your friends, family, colleagues or pretty much anyone finding out.

Have a look at the screenshot below –

Hide WhatsApp ‘ONLINE’ Indicator

As seen in the screenshot shared above, WhatsApp will let you choose between two settings for your ‘Online’ indicator. You will be able to either set it to ‘Everyone’ which will let everyone see you when you’re online (unless they are blocked) and then there is the ‘Same as Last Seen’ option that will show your ‘Online’ indicator to only those who have permission to see your Last Seen indicator.

Depending on how you set your ‘Last Seen’, your ‘Online’ status will also be available to more or fewer people. For instance, if you set your ‘Last Seen’ to ‘Nobody’ and ‘Online’ status to ‘Same as Last Seen’, no one will be able to see both your ‘Last Seen’ and ‘Online’ indicators.

Hide WhatsApp ‘Online’ Indicator will initially come to Android devices.

The implementation will first come to beta users, and stable users should get the update after any bugs are ironed out.

Hide WhatsApp Hide WhatsApp Hide WhatsApp Hide WhatsApp

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