Starting August 30, no Swipe Up Instagram Stories

instagram stories

In a latest update, swipe up Instagram stories would not be available to users globally, starting August 30th, 2021.

As part of its ongoing effort to improve Stories interaction, Instagram is making a change to the way that external links are shared within Stories frames, with the current ‘Swipe up’ links to be removed from the process entirely, and replaced by its new ‘Link’ sticker option instead.

See picture below –

Swipe up Instagram stories to be replaced by stickers.

This has been confirmed by Instagram by giving notifications across varied profiles.

The stickers on Instagram stories instead of swipe up will provide an exciting rage of benefits –

  • A streamlined stories creation experience – Stories stickers, like Donation, Music, Poll, and now Link, help you further express yourself and share what matters to you on Instagram – in this case links.
  • Added creative control – The sticker looks and functions the same way as others (i.e. question, poll, and location) – providing increased creator control. It can toggle to different styles, be resized, and be placed anywhere on your story for maximum impact. 
  • Further engagement – We also know that engagement and closeness are important to people. Users can receive quick reactions and replies on posts that have the link sticker, like any other story that is shared (e.g. the tray of emojis), whereas you couldn’t receive feedback with the “swipe-up” link.

This certainly opens up new ways you can explore Instagram stories.

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