Telegram Features Update – 2022

Telegram Features

There are some new Telegram features introduced on the last day of 2021. These include reactions to messages, ‘Spoiler text’, among others. Here’s a quick look at the new features.

1. Reactions

Telegram users can now react to a specific message with emojis. Reactions are turned on for all private chats, but for group chats and channels, the admins will decide whether the feature can be turned on. Each reaction appears with its own unique animation.

Telegram features – Reactions

2. Message Translation

Users will also be able to translate any message into another language, right inside the app, though it is dependent on the language translation supported by the operating system. The translation feature is available on all Android devices that support Telegram. But for iOS, the app requires that users need to be on the iOS 15 plus version. The number of supported languages is equivalent to the languages available on the operating system.

Telegram features – Translation

3. Spoilers

Spoilers is a new feature where a user can now hide a certain portion of the text with the help of ‘Spoiler’ formatting. This hidden text applies to the chat list and notifications as well. Once the recipient taps the message, if they want to, and the hidden text will be revealed.

Telegram features – Spoilers

4. Interactive Emojis

New interactive versions of some emojis have also made their way to the app. Emojis that are supported with the new animations are: 

🔥 😁 🤩 😢 😭 😱 ❄️

Users can send any of them in personal chats, and then they need to tap to unleash a full-screen effect of the same.

Some more Telegram Features include Themed QR codes, New Menus for Mac OS, etc.

Check these out at the Telegram app.

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