Threads Topic Tags Now Live!

Threads Topic Tags Now Live

After weeks of testing, Threads Topic Tags are now available to all users globally.

As per Instagram chief Adam Mosseri, Threads topic tags, which are like hashtags but not, will help to guide conversations in the app, and drive more topical engagement around whatever subject you like.

Threads topic tags differ from traditional hashtags because:

  • You can only add one tag per post, so you can’t just slap on a million trending hashtags in order to get your post into a trending topic stream
  • You have to manually add a tag within the composer, so you can’t just copy and paste the same post and have the tag be active
  • You can create a topic tag of multiple words, with spaces, so they fit more naturally, as opposed to inserting the # symbol, breaking up your sentence

In the words of Adam Mosseri –

“Having a comprehensive list of *every* post with a specific word in chronological order inevitably means spammers and other bad actors pummel the view with content by simply adding the relevant words or tags.”

Time would answer how Threads App Tags are being used by the users, as Meta is experimenting different ways to increase engagement and time spent on the newbie platform.

Threads Topic Tags are available to all users globally as on date.

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