TikTok Usage Rising Among Teen Users

TikTok Usage Rising Among Teen Users

A new report shows that TikTok usage is rising among teen users!

Qustodio’s “Born connected: The rise of the AI generation” spans 115 pages, so there’s a heap to take in, with the results based on app and online tool usage surveys conducted with over 400,000 families with children aged 4-18.

First off, the report looks at where kids are spending their time online, and how they’re engaging in different apps.

Kids are spending 2 hours a day, on average, using Roblox, the popular gaming platform, which, in some ways, is a precursor to the metaverse, in regards to how users interact via digital avatars in 3D environments.

As you can see in the chart below, Instagram was the next most popular social app among youngsters, followed by Facebook, and somewhat surprisingly, Pinterest.

The report also looks at the rising use of generative AI, and specifically, how many young users have accessed OpenAI’s text and image generation tools. Almost 20% of kids visited the OpenAI website in 2023, making it the 18th most visited site among this cohort for the year.

In general, some notes on why social media usage is rising among teens

Social media usage among teens has been on the rise for various reasons, and several factors contribute to this trend. Here are some key notes on why social media usage is increasing among teenagers:

  1. Peer Connection and Socialization:
    • Teens use social media platforms to connect with their peers and maintain social relationships.
    • Social media provides a convenient and instant way for teens to stay in touch, share experiences, and communicate with friends, especially in today’s fast-paced digital age.
  2. Identity Expression and Validation:
    • Social media allows teenagers to express their identity, interests, and opinions through posts, photos, and updates.
    • Likes, comments, and shares on social media can provide a sense of validation and acceptance, boosting teenagers’ self-esteem and confidence.
  3. FOMO (Fear of Missing Out):
    • Teens often fear missing out on social events, trends, or news if they are not actively participating in social media platforms.
    • The constant stream of updates and posts creates a sense of urgency to stay connected and be aware of what is happening in their social circles.
  4. Entertainment and Content Consumption:
    • Social media platforms offer a wide variety of content, including videos, memes, and entertainment, making them a popular source of amusement for teenagers.
    • The constant flow of new and engaging content keeps teens coming back to their favorite platforms.
  5. Influencer Culture:
    • Many teens follow influencers and celebrities on social media, aspiring to emulate their lifestyles and keeping up with their latest trends.
    • The influencer culture on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube can heavily influence teenagers’ preferences and behavior.
  6. Communication and Expression:
    • Social media provides a platform for self-expression through creative outlets such as writing, art, and multimedia.
    • Instant messaging features on platforms like Snapchat and Instagram facilitate real-time communication, making it easy for teens to share updates with their friends.
  7. Digital Natives:
    • Teens today are digital natives, having grown up with technology as an integral part of their lives. Social media is a natural extension of their daily activities and communication habits.
  8. Parental Approval and Monitoring:
    • In some cases, parents encourage social media usage as a way for their teens to stay connected with family and friends.
    • Parents may also use social media to monitor their teens’ online activities and maintain a level of oversight.
  9. Educational and Informative Content:
    • Social media is not only a platform for social interaction but also a source of educational and informative content. Teens may use platforms like YouTube or Twitter to access educational videos, news, and updates.

It’s important to note that while social media offers numerous benefits, it also comes with potential challenges, including issues related to privacy, cyberbullying, and mental health. Balancing social media usage with other offline activities is crucial for a healthy and well-rounded lifestyle for teenagers.

You can read the complete report on TikTok usage here.

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