Tug of War : APPLE vs. FACEBOOK


Apple vs. Facebook – Yes, the war has begun!

Just when techies across the globe are accusing Facebook of acquiring monopoly over social media, and are appealing to spilt Instagram and WhatsApp from the social media giant, Apple has something robust to add here.

In our yesterday’s article, we mentioned the ways in which Facebook tracks you and it’s kinda scary, seriously!🤔

Today, Facebook has accused Apple of disclosing tracking information to iOS users.

Well, sort of, Apple did a great job here, and as tweeted by CEO Tim cook –

Marketing is all about transparency. The cat has been out of the box many years ago, when the concept of re-marketing mushroomed and many websites have disclaimers about tracking you. Once you click on those disclaimers, it shows you a list on how that particular website tracks you. In-fact, many websites ask you to agree on the cookies disclaimer while browsing the website. This is completely acceptable in the world of advertising.

The question here is –

Is APPLE right?

In our opinion, YES. Apple has never asked FB to change its tracking policies. It has only become more customer centric in terms of people who are downloading the app for the iOS store and have given those users with an option, whether, they want to opt-in or opt-out of such services.

Is FACEBOOK wrong?

Well, not exactly. You don’t publish the terms and conditions in your first interaction while making a sale! Similarly, when a user is downloading an app, it doesn’t make any sense to disclose all cards, there and then. FB has always been transparent about its data collection policy. There’s nothing much to hide there. Further, as rightly said by FB – Personalised ads and user privacy can co-exist. Makes sense.

What are your opinions on this?

Please share your POV in comments.

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