Twitter Ads with a Fresh Objective : 15 SECOND VIEWS

Twitter Ads

Twitter Ads have been a favourite among advertisers. Even though it’s not very popular in India, because of the cost involved and targeted audience, it’s extremely useful and popular in the western world.

Quite recently it came into news that, Twitter ads will now have a 15-second views objective.

In the words of Twitter –

“To better meet the needs of advertisers who rely heavily on quality video views and video completion
rates, we’re rolling out a ‘15-second (15s) view’ buying model that prioritizes for engaged, longform views
on their content. This new bid unit is built to optimize for delivering 15-second or completed views,
whichever comes first, and early testing has shown that it drives Twitter’s highest video completion rates

Essentially, when you choose the new 15-second ad objective for your campaign, Twitter’s algorithm will look to serve your video ads to the users that have the highest likelihood of spending more time with video content, based on their noted preferences and previous behavioral trends in the app.

Twitter ads on this objective will be charged on a CPM (Cost Per Mile or Cost per million impressions).

What is CPM?

CPM is the most common method for web pricing. An advertiser will be charged for every 1,000 times their ad loads to a page. Keep in mind that a CPM is not a unique view. If one person clicks on 10 pages and your ad loads 10 times, that is 10 impressions, not one.

There is another subset to CPM, known as Viewable CPM (vCPM) which ensures that you only pay when your ads can be seen.

Now coming back to Twitter ads, Depending on your KPIs and campaign focus, it could be a worthy consideration for your approach – but it will depend highly the campaign, and whether your objective is reach, completion, branding, etc.

In line with this, Twitter’s also adding some new reporting metrics in Twitter Ads Manager:

  • Cost per 15s video view -Total spend divided by the number of views that reach at least 15s
  • 15s video views – These ad views only count when your video is watched either 15 seconds or for 95% of the total duration
  • 15s video view rate – This rate is calculated by dividing 15s video views by impressions

Twitter ads, especially the 15-second view bid units will also now become the new default bid for all campaigns under the Video Views objective.

With this we wonder, what’s on mind for Twitter Ads? Is this the benchmark for entering into the competition with Instagram Reels or TikTok videos? Whatever it is, advertisers will definitely benefit from Twitter ads 15 second views as over the past few years, video views have increased considerably over the internet.

Not any video views, but with TikTok it has been a game changer, short videos, especially under 20 seconds tend to the top favourite among the Internet users.

Twitter is still experimenting with all these new features in Twitter mention, but the social media platform says that it would not take quite long and all these updates in Twitter mentions would be available to all users over a due course of time.

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Related Reads: Twitter Mentions, Soon in Your Control!

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