Twitter and Instagram come closer!

Twitter and Instagram

Twitter and Instagram come closer! Here’s how – Twitter now lets iOS users share tweets directs on Instagram stories! Good News for Twitter and Instagram users alike.

Sharing tweets across platforms has always been a hassle. One has to take screenshots, crop those to fit the sharing platform and finally post it. But, in a new update from Twitter, which specifically mentions ‘Skip the Screenshots’, the process has become a lot easier. Here’s what Twitter support tweeted about the new move –

How to use the Twitter and Instagram integration?

Simply follow these steps –

  1. Tap the share icon on a tweet
  2. Select ‘Instagram stories’
  3. This will open your Instagram app and convert your tweet into a tweet sticker
  4. Resize/Reposition your tweet sticker
  5. Voila!

One thing to keep in mind that you should have both Twitter and Instagram installed on your smartphone for this to work. Currently, the update does not honour cross-device collaboration. Might be in the future we will have this feature as well.

Also, you can interact on your tweet only on Twitter and not from your Instagram story. Twitter and Instagram integration only lets you convert your tweets to stickers and share it on Instagram.

Another notable mention about the Twitter and Instagram integration is that Twitter will only let you share your tweets in an Instagram story. In case you want to share your tweet as a post, you will have to revert to the old way, which is taking screenshot, cropping and then uploading on Instagram.

Twitter and Instagram feature is only available for iOS users as of now.

Last year, Twitter has started the same association with Snapchat, wherein, a Snapchat user can share any tweet directly to their Snapchat story –

Since Twitter association with Snapchat, over the last few months we have noticed various updates to improve the current features or to add new features. We are sure that Twitter and Instagram integration would work in the same manner. The roll out of the update has already started and it might take a day or two for all users to use this feature.

Cross platform Integrations have always proved to be beneficial, both for the users and the platforms involved. They ease the use of platforms, and allow people to work seamlessly and share same piece of content on varied platforms.

One such popular integration is the integration of Facebook and Instagram, wherein, a user can share the same post at the same time, using the same hashtags across both platforms.

Well, with Twitter and Instagram coming closer, we might expect something from LinkedIn, as well! Shouldn’t we?

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You can also speak about the feature, if you have already tested it, also if you have any questions about the feature, please do let us know.

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Related Reads: Twitter Mentions, Soon in Your Control!

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