Twitter Blue Subscribers Can Now Write Tweets Up To 10000 Characters Long

Twitter Blue Subscribers Can Now Write Tweets Up To 10000 Characters Long

The latest addition to the Twitter Blue Badge members – Twitter Blue Subscribers Can Now Write Tweets Up To 10000 Characters Long!

Blue Subscribers could already post tweets up to 4k in length, but now, Twitter Blue Subscribers Can Now Write Tweets Up To 10000 Characters Long.

But it just feels a little out of place. At this point, this article is now up to 4k characters, spaces included, which provides some more context on how much you could actually fit in a 10k character tweet.

Though there are seemingly a lot of users that are experimenting with longer tweets at present, so there may well be some case for them. But then again, those users are probably seeing good response to their longer tweets because more people are engaging with them – because the only way to read the rest of the tweet is to click on it, which then leads to better-than-normal interaction rates.

Well, some hilarious meme was found in reply to the Tweet –

In addition to this, the text formatting options, meanwhile, have been in development for a while, and could add something new to the Twitter experience.

And just for an idea, how long is 10k, this article is only 332 words long!

Now Write Tweets Up To 10000 Characters Long Now Write Tweets Up To 10000 Characters Long

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