Twitter Is Testing Voice & Video Calls In DMs


Twitter’s working on new voice and video elements within its DM UI, which will provide more utility in the app, and make it easier to stay in touch with friends.

In the example shared by Twitter designer Andrea Conway, the new Twitter DM interface, which is still in development, would enable easy access to voice and video calls, by tapping the call icon at the top right of your DM feed.

Though it’s going to be tough going for Twitter to shift traditional behaviours in this respect. People can already conduct voice and video calls in pretty much every other messaging app, and with WhatsApp alone being used by 8x as many people as Twitter, it’s hard to imagine that many users are going to switch to Twitter for calls instead.

But maybe there’s a bigger plan at play, for a larger push on DM usage, which could make this a more valuable, viable consideration.

Twitter Is Testing Voice & Video Calls In DMs in quite a nascent stage with no updates of when it will be rolled out.

The witty platform is also testing new restrictions on who can send DMs, which could limit the use of these options to only paying Twitter Blue subscribers.

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