Twitter Profile Verification Requests Paused 8 Days After Re-Launch

Twitter Profile Verification

The wittiest social media cousin has decided to put a halt to Twitter Profile Verification public requests, just a week after re-launch.

Twitter profile verification was paused since 2017, due to some backlog and confusion on the process of verification. After much await, Twitter Profile Verification was re-opened after 4 years, a week ago. However, before the Twitterati could digest the happiness and apply, re-apply for their profile verification, the social media giant has paused the verification process!

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Twitter Profile Verification paused due to huge influx of applications, leading to backlog.

As of now, there are 199 million active users on Twitter, with only 3,60,000 having the blue tick, which roughly translates to 0.18%. So, 8 days ago, when Twitter announced that they are re-opening Twitter Profile Verification, a lot of users applied for the same, even though many of them would not be matching the tough criteria for verification. The social media giant is already overwhelmed with responses!

Ask any prominent social media manager or Twitter staff member if their inbox ever stops being hammered with verification requests from random folk, many of which are probably scammers trying to get the blue tick in order to then sell the account to someone else.

Whatever be the case, one thing which we fail to understand is that why did Twitter even re-open the profile verification, what were they thinking. Did they think that the gap of 4 years has made their users lose the charm of the shiny blue tick?

Have you applied for Twitter Verification ever? Please let us know in comments below.

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