Twitter Shadow Ban To Be Transparent

Twitter Shadow Ban

With a view to allowing more kinds of speech and be more transparent, Twitter Shadow Ban will not more transparent that ever it has got of social media till date!

In the words of Twitter –
“Restricting the reach of Tweets, also known as visibility filtering, is one of our existing enforcement actions that allows us to move beyond the binary ‘leave up versus take down’ approach to content moderation. However, like other social platforms, we have not historically been transparent when we’ve taken this action. Starting soon, we will add publicly visible labels to Tweets identified as potentially violating our policies letting you know we’ve limited their visibility.”

In the example below, tweets that violate Twitter’s rules, but don’t break them as such, will now have these new visibility labels attached, which will let tweet creators and readers know that action has been taken to reduce a tweet’s reach and impact.

Twitter Shadow Ban To Be Transparent

Such prompts on Twitter Shadow Ban are active from today on the platform.

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