Twitter testing an ‘UNDO’ feature. Good News?

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As per a latest tweet by app researcher Jane Manchum Wong, Twitter is testing an ‘undo tweet’ feature. Below is a snapshot of the tweet –

Twitter is going to make this feature PAID.


Surprisingly, the tweet mentions that the feature will be on a paid feature list!

Well, would anyone really pay fo it!? Apps like Gmail have been offering the undo re-send option for emails for a long time now. The feature on Twitter works the same way. When you post or reply to a tweet, Twitter allows you to recall (undo) that tweet, within a specified period of time, let’s say 30 seconds or so.

Agreed, there are plenty of people who will hit “send” on something — whether it’s an email, tweet, or something else — and then regret it. But let’s be honest with ourselves about what an Undo feature like this really is: The equivalent of a service putting up an “Are you sure?” prompt when you hit send. 

What would you prefer as a consumer –

a) A prompt before you hit the tweet button, something like – ‘Are you sure you want to tweet this?’

b) A paid service that lets you undo your tweet.

Of course, the paid service will have other benefits, as well, as it doesn’t seem right to charge for an undo option, which many other business working under the same model are offering for free of charge. At this moment, the social media platform hasn’t disclosed what those other feature would be in the paid version.

What do you think of this feature by Twitter? Please share your views in comments.

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