Twitter Users Jump 6M in Q4

Twitter Users

Twitter users increased by upto 6 million, contributing to a 22% YoY increase in revenue.

Twitter users growth

 As you can see above, the vast majority of Twitter’s growth is coming from international markets, with the platform adding just 1 million US users over the past year.

However, surprisingly, majority of its revenue comes for US! Look below –

But the lack of growth among its US audiences remains an issue, with Twitter gaining momentum in India and Asia, which have thus far been lower-earning regions for the company.

The story doesn’t end here – Twitter is still aiming to add 100 million more users by 2023.

“We made meaningful progress in 2021 against our 2023 goals: doubling development velocity by the end of 2023, delivering at least 315 million mDAU in Q4’23, and delivering $7.5 billion or more in revenue for the full year of 2023.”

“In Q4, we began integrating signals from organic Topic follows on Twitter into our ads targeting algorithm, with early results showing an almost 10% increase in the average targetable interest segment size.”

Overall, it’s a good report card for Twitter, which highlights rising areas of opportunity – though it remains to be seen whether the platform will actually be able to reach its 2023 Twitter users target, and where, exactly, all that growth is going to come from.

You can read the Twitter Users Q4 report here.

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