Twitter will Nudge you if you Spread Negativity!

Twitter will nudge you

The most witty and toxic social media platform, Twitter will nudge you if you if it deems that you are about to tweet something negative.

Especially after last week incident, pertaining to Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut, wherein her account was permanently suspended by Twitter on account of tweeting negative tweets.

In an article dated, May 5th, 2021, titled – “Tweeting with Consideration”, Twitter mentioned that they have made improvements to the systems that decide when and how these reminders are sent. Starting today, Twitter will nudge you if you are about to tweet something toxic.

Review before Tweeting, else Twitter will nudge you!

“When things get heated, you may say things you don’t mean,” explained the company at the time. “To let you rethink a reply, we’re running a limited experiment on iOS with a prompt that gives you the option to revise your reply before it’s published if it uses language that could be harmful.”

The team backs this up with a blog post, where Twitter said they had found that prompts led 34% of people to revise their initial reply or to decide against sending their reply at all. Users composed, on average, 11% fewer offensive replies after being prompted for the first time, Twitter said. This may not sound like a lot but in doing so, they were also less likely to receive offensive and harmful replies in return, making the domino effect more significant.

Related Reads: Twitter Tip Jar – A New Way to Reward ‘Good Tweets’

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