Finally! You can unlock iPhone with mask on 😷

Unlock iPhone

‘Unlock iPhone with mask on’ -this has been a hassle since the start of the pandemic. Not anymore! Thanks to new versions of iOS and watchOS, Apple Watch owners can finally do it without much hassle. 

How to unlock iPhone with mask on?

With the roll out of new updates, iOs 14.5 and watchOS 7.4, for iPhone and Apple watch respectively, iPhone users have got a new option under the ‘Settings’ tab.

  • Open Settings
  • Go to Face ID & passcode
  • Turn ON – ‘Unlock with Apple Watch’
Unlock iPhone with mask on

When you turn this ON, the iPhone will use your Apple Watch to unlock itself when Face ID detects you’re wearing a mask, and you can simply unlock iPhone with mask on.

However, for this feature to work, your Apple Watch must be nearby and on your wrist; it also must be unlocked and protected by a passcode. 

Please note that this feature works only to unlock iPhone,  it cannot be used to authenticate Apple Pay or App Store purchases.

The above update was originally introduced in February as a beta version, but now it’s available to all users.

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