Useful tips in WEBSITE DESIGNING for 2021

Website design

A website is like a window to your business. Consider your website as your online display store, where customers can visit and check your products or services. In the era of digitisation, it is highly preferred to have a web presence for your business. Doesn’t matter if you are not selling online, a strong web presence will help you engage your existing customers and drive new customers towards your business and increase revenue.

Below is a snapshot from our our website. WEBSITE

In this article today, we are going to talk about the best practices while designing a website for year 2021, as 2020 is in the its last leg, thankfully! In addition to this, we will also explain the difference between web-designing vs. web-development + domain vs. web-hosting. So, let’s begin with the basis first.

What is a Website?

To put it simply, a website is a collection of webpages. There are individual webpages on your website for different products or services. Accumulation of all those webpages, under a single domain constitutes a website.

What is Web-designing?

Web-designing is the process of drafting the payout of your website in the form of blueprints. Blueprints may be defined as sketches to your webpage, laying out the basis structure for your webpages. It may be designed using CAD (Computer Aided Design) or simply sketches on an A4 sheet.

Website blueprint

What is website development?

Many people confuse web designing with web development. However, they are not the same.

Web development refers to building your webpages using computer programming languages like HTML, JAVA, C++, etc. Please be informed that web designing precedes web development. Also, it isn’t necessary that a web developer will have web designing skill and vice-versa.

It can also be stated that web designing is more of a creative part, and web development is more of a technical part.

Lights.Camera.Social provides a plethora of services in digital marketing, website designing and development being one of the bestselling services. Do check out more at

What is a domain name?

A domain name is the name for your business. you can choose any name that you want, keeping in mind SEO guidelines. Its a good practice to have a short domain name, as it is easier to remember, but even if you are aiming to get a long name, keep in mind that it should be a catchy phrase or something easier to remember and recall.

Even thought there are many web portals from where you can book a domain name, we would prefer the best –, where you can get your domain name booked for as low as INR 99/year.

What is web hosting?

Web hosting is the process of uploading your webpages on the web server to make them a part of World Wide Web and visible to anyone globally. Now to understand the difference between domain and hosting, consider this example below –

Domain is simply the name of website, or lets say address of your business.

Hosting is the space that your webpages occupy on the web server. It may be 1GB, 2GB, 5GB, OR 10GB, depending on your nature of business or the number of products and services you sell.

A reliable hosting is a must have for building your web presence as cheap hosting services may result in your website not functioning properly, or increase the loading time of your webpages, which is crucial factor in ranking your webpages in a search engine’s database (SEO). We recommend purchasing hosting from

Things to keep in mind while designing your webpage(s) in 2021

– Keep your message clear from the beginning

Marketing is all about conveying more in less. A glance at your webpage and visitors should be able to identify the purpose of your business. Have a look at the image below –

Website design
Lights Camera Social design factors

A few factors to be noted from the image above –

  1. Logo on the top. Clear with a white coloured header, preferably.
  2. Video shows people in face mask happily dancing, and practicing social distancing.
  3. The text in black background clearly defines the services we provide and corresponds with the video in point 2.

– Use lots of white space

We call it the minimalist approach. Make full use of the white background and place your design aesthetically on it. White space enhances the look if your webpage and the content is also easily readable. It also helps the reader to distinguish one element from the other and makes your webpage look uncluttered.

– Use CTA’s

Website designing
Call To Action

CTA is Call To Action. Any tab that instigates the visitor to take any action on your website. For example – Know more, Read more, Get details, Contact Us, All services etc, all are CTA’s. Do not overdo CTA’s but place them well distributed on your webpage. CTA’s also help to reduce the bounce rate of your website and assist in SEO. Bounce rate is defined as the percentage of users who leave your website without performing any action or clicking on any tab. Ideal bounce rate should be between 30-50% (it can be measured using Google Analytics)

– Use short paragraphs and use tables/bullets, wherever applicable

No one like to read long pieces of content. Break down the content of your website and try to encourage readers to read by providing content in tabular or bullet format. This will increase the engagement rate of your website and allow users to gather more information about your products and services. The more information they gather about your product/services, the more likely theyt are to purchase from your brand.

– Incorporate lots of images

An image speak a thousand words. Instead of adding more and more content on your website, try to add images that depict the message that you are trying to convey. Do not forget to add Alt Text to the image. Alt Text helps search engine crawlers to identify the and categorise the image under a particular category or keyword, so that it displayed when a user searches for that particular keyword.

– Use bold typography

Website designing

– Make your website informative

The best thing you can do for your business is add plenty of information regarding your Line Of Business. Include definitions, FAQ’s, DIY’s, etc. on your website to increase the user engagement and thus increase business revenue.

– Have a blog section on your website

Blogs are very useful for SEO. You would not be updating the content regularly on your website but, adding freshly curated content on the blog section, will assist you in SEO for your website. Remember – Google loves good content.

Well, these are some of the tips that will surely make your website a pleasure to browse and will ensure higher organic conversions. Do wrote to us at on how you find this article or comment below 👇

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