X Insights On School And Education Trends

X Insights On School And Education Trends

X has shared some interesting highlights on school and education trends discussions. within the app.

First off, X says the back-to-school conversation in the app increased by 3% last year, versus 2022.

According to X, there are 500 million posts submitted in the app every day, so 1.9 million posts, over a 12-month period, is ridiculously low.

For comparison, TikTok ran a five day back-to-school shopping campaign last month, which resulted in 6.3 million orders placed for products advertised during the push. In five days. The fact that X only saw 1.9 million posts in a year isn’t that great of a selling point.

Also, X claims that it has 1.5x more monthly active users who are students compared to other platforms.

Finally, X notes that the majority of back-to-school discussion in the app is among younger users.

“With its growing popularity among Gen Z and Millennials, X has become a trusted resource, influencing trends and guiding purchase decisions throughout the back-to-school journey. In fact, 60% of the #BackToSchool audience on X is between the ages of 24 and 34, a demographic eager and ready to spend.”

You can read complete Insights On School And Education Trends on X here.

Insights On School And Education Trends on X Insights On School And Education Trends on X Insights On School And Education Trends on X

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