X Records All Time High Usage

X Records All Time High Usage

X has reported all time high usage, following the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump driving more conversation in the app.

Musk says that X saw a cumulative “417 billion user-seconds globally” in one day, which equates to 27.8 minutes per user, at 250 million daily actives.

Which is a lot, but it’s not as much as X claimed back in March, when it said that users are spending 30 minutes per day in the app on average.

So it’s either not a record, or X made a mistake in its reporting earlier in the year.

Musk’s claim of 93 billion user seconds in the U.S. alone also equates to 15.5 minutes per user, on average, assuming 100 million U.S. users (which X has previously claimed).

If the data shared by X stands true, it could be a gold mine for marketers!

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