YouTube Insights To Get A New ‘Search’ Tool

YouTube Insights

YouTube is working on a new YouTube insights feature which will provide information on what people are searching for in the app, both in relation to your channel and content specifically, and for more general search queries.

YouTube insights

As you can see in the image above, the first tab will provide a listing of what your channel viewers are searching for – i.e. insights into what people who regularly view your content are also looking for on YouTube.

This tab will provide insights into the key topics of interest among your viewers, along with the overall search volume of each, and the amount of traffic that your channel has gleaned based on each query.

Youtube insights

On the second tab, ‘Searches Across YouTube’, you’ll be able to glean insight into the most common search queries based on any keyword – so if you wanted to know what the most common ‘how to’ searches are on the platform, you could enter ‘how to’ as a search term.

YouTube insights

In this query, using ‘chromebook’ as the keyword query, these are the most common Chromebook-related searches that don’t have a directly correlating YouTube video, which could highlight new opportunities for your approach.

These YouTube insights are not live yet, but, once it passes the testing phase, it would be rolled out shortly to all users.

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