YouTube Suggests Hashtags For Shorts

Hashtags For Shorts

In order to increase engagement, Youtube suggests hashtags for Shorts, aka, YouTube Shorts.

In the words of YouTube –

“To make it easier for Shorts creators to add relevant hashtags to video titles, we’re running an experiment that suggests new hashtags to include when publishing Shorts. If you’re a creator in the experiment, you’ll see suggested hashtags appear in the upload flow on mobile. The suggestions will be custom to your channel as they’re based on content you’ve previously uploaded.”

Hashtags for Shorts won’t be purely based on AI recommendations, but will instead be based on the common tags and topics associated with each channel.

YouTube says that a small number of Shorts creators in the US will be included in the initial experiment, which will run on both iOS and Android devices. 

Hashtags For Shorts. Hashtags For Shorts. Hashtags For Shorts.

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