

About us






We help you re-grow your business
in 90 days with pandemic-proof SEO.

What is SEO?

What is Search
Engine Optimisation?

Search Engine Optimisation is the process of increasing the free or organic visibility of a website on search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, Yandex, etc. It is done by following a search engine’s algorithm or guidelines. It involves posting good quality and quantity content to your website.

SEO consists of 3 parts - On-Site SEO, Off-Site SEO and Local SEO.

Seemingly complex?
It’s actually not.
Just think, why do most users prefer Google over Yahoo?

To understand it in the most simple manner, let’s understand a search engine - Google. First and foremost, Google isn’t a government funded organisation or an NGO. They are not trying to advance humanity by intravenously injecting cultural and scientific information into the hands of public. No doubt, they are doing a tremendous job by putting a wealth of knowledge and information at people’s fingertips, but, that’s not the sole reason why they do it. Just like any other business, Google does it for money. Google is a business. As simple as that.

Now, just as a business flourishes by promoting the right product or service to the right set of people, similarly, Google shows the best, and most relevant search results to its users - it’s the lifeblood of their entire business. If they get this wrong, people might switch to using Bing or Yahoo instead. And when this happens, less people click on Google advertisements, which has a direct impaction Google’s revenue. So, it’s in Google’s best interests to work out the most relevant and useful set of results on search engine result page to satisfy the end user.

To put it even more simply -
Google believes in
Transitive Property of Equality, which says,
If a = b and b = c, then, a = c

Google loves netizens.
Netizens love your website.
Google loves your website.

a = Google
b = Netizens (Citizens of the Internet)
c = Your Website

Google adores you when everybody else adores you first.


Why SEO for your brand?



Unlike other forms of digital marketing, which require you to shell out money to increase revenue, SEO absolutely doesn’t cost a dime. No hidden charges, as well! While inorganic or paid marketing accounts for around 15% of a website’s traffic, it may not always be the best course of action for smaller businesses that are just starting off and have budget constraints. On the contrary, SEO needs only a one-time investment in human resources and can produce long-term results.



SEO is one of the best ways to do inbound marketing. When users search for keywords that are related to your line of business, SEO helps in targeting a specific demographic and bring quality traffic to your website. Google being the world’s most popular search engine receives approximately 63,000 search queries per second per day. Several reliable studies have found that it is responsible for bringing in 53% of site traffic, making it one of the top benefits of SEO.



With large traffic, comes higher conversions. Whether you want to get your site visitors to make a purchase, subscribe to your blog or share your content on their social media handle, SEO is a one-stop solution for all these needs. SEO is highly quantifiable – Google Analytics can give you unparalleled insight into every small action that you take and tell you what is working and what is not. Being one of the cheapest method of digital marketing, contributing to the highest traffic, undoubtedly, it delivers a high return on investment.



When your brand ranks higher on search engine result page(s), its quite helpful in increasing visibility, building brand awareness, and trust among your potential customers who search for a particular keyword and find your business listed among the top results. SMEs should always invest in SEO, as this is the best way to outreach your competitors, with no or minimum investment.



Search engine optimisation focuses on reliable content, presented in a simple manner. This way SEO pushes businesses to create fast, smoother and user-friendly websites, thereby decreasing bounce rate and increasing page views. Further studies have shown that the more time a visitor spends on a website, the likelihood of purchasing from that website increases.



Let’s compare two businesses in the same line of business. One of them has an SEO optimised website and the other one doesn’t. Considering all other marketing factors constant, which business do you think will attract more visitors to their website from local searches? Yes, you got that right - SEO is quite useful in getting that extra edge to your business.

Hi, my name is . I am looking for help with Search Engine Optimisation. My budget is INR and I need it done by . Please contact me at on at .


How we will help you with SEO?

Dedicated account manager

We will provide you a dedicated support, who will assist you with search engine optimisation, starting with selecting the most appropriate content type for your audience and setting a tailored strategy. We will also assist your existing content to makeover.

Content creation and testing

Once your pages have been content optimised for SEO, we will publish that top-notch curated content and test different versions to see what resonates the most with your consumers. We will design and write copy as well as develop tests to consistently improve upon past results.

Best in class keyword research

Our team of experts have access to the top notch tools in digital marketing. We will start with researching the most relevant and highly search keywords for your line of business and sew them in the content of your website, keeping search engine guidelines in mind.

Updates and reporting

You own and have direct access to any activity we set up or manage on your behalf, but that’s not all. You will receive full and transparent reporting in easy-to-understand language and transparent reporting of our work on a weekly/fortnightly/monthly basis (as per your preference). In addition to scheduled zoom calls, we encourage frequent communication to ensure omotenashi works it’s magic.

Been there, done that

With over a decade of expertise, we carry through practical knowledge on the subject matter. Actually, Lights.Camera.Social has experienced the best of both worlds - the client’s side and the agency’s end. We are abreast with the type of content and marketing thereof, that generates business revenue.

Ah-Hah Content

We curate fresh content that rings the bell. Content is not about vocabulary, it’s about ease of understanding. Specific content for specific platforms, occasions, campaigns, offers, is something that we take pride in. We always remember that content is the sole reason search began in the first place.

industries we serve

Categories we master.

We have been reshaping the fortunes of clients in Hospitality, Education, Automobile, Beauty, Food Service, Retail, Luxury Goods, Cookware and more. Not just this, we carry an eye for detail and specialise in designing landing pages and websites with an oomph factor that is pleasing to the eyes and intriguing for the decision making part of the brain. We believe that possibility knows no bounds, and we are here to make that possible for you – FROM TODAY NOW!

Lights Camera Social SEO

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