

About us






As on date, there are 3,50,00,00,000
social media users globally. We will help you
enhance your company’s online visibility,
acquire new clients and expand
word-of-mouth advertising.

what is smm?

What is
Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms to connect with your existing audience to build your brand, and acquire new customers to increase business sales, revenue and website traffic. This involves publishing awesome and reliable content on your social media profiles, listening to and engaging your followers, analysing your results, and running social media advertisements.The major social media platforms (at the moment) are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, and Snapchat.

The originating idea for social media marketing was publishing. Businesses started sharing useful content on social media, like important updates, announcements, blog publications, etc. to increase their website traffic, popularity, and hopefully, sales. Since then, social media has matured far beyond being a content broadcasting platform. Now-a-days, businesses, and even, people use social media in a myriad of different ways. For example, a business that wants to understand its popularity in the minds of people would monitor its organic reach for social media posts, tweets, etc. A business that wants to understand how its performing on social media would analyse its reach, engagement, and sales with social media analytics. A business that wants to reach a specific set of audience at scale would run highly-targeted social media advertising campaigns.

The phrase social media marketing generally refers to using social media platforms for relationship selling (selling based on developing rapport with customers). Social media services make innovative use of new online technologies to accomplish the familiar communication and marketing goals of this form of selling. Like any other element of digital marketing, social media marketing takes some thought. It can become an enormous siphon of your time, and short-term benefits are rare. Social media marketing is a long-term commitment.

Marketing is only a part of your company, but all of your company is marketing. Social media is a ripe environment for this hypothesis, where every part of a company, from human resources to tech support to administration, and from engineering to sales, can be involved.

why social media marketing?

Why social media
marketing for your brand?



The audience for social media is huge. At a glance, the numbers are humungous - there are 7.7 billion people in the world, with at least 3.5 billion of us online! Just imagine the numbers your business is missing to clock, because of it’s absence over social media, or redundant social media platforms. Based on a study, 71% of consumers who have had a good social media service experience with a brand are likely to recommend it to others.



Basic marketing focuses on the need for branding, name recognition, visibility, presence, re-call value, or top-of-mind awareness. Call it whatever you like - you want people to remember your company’s name when they are in need of your product or service. Social media services, of almost every type, are excellent ways to build your brand and get that recognition your business deserves.



Most people aren’t addicted to social media; if anything, they are addicted to emotions and social media is a wonderful platform to implement human-to-human marketing. Steady growth in the number of followers, or increased likes, shares, comments - all these are signs that you are building relationships that may later lead to, if not a direct sale, then a word-of-mouth recommendation to someone interested in your products or services.



Social media can assist with link building. For example, let’s say that you get 1,000 shares on a blog post because it contains valuable content. Some of your followers who see your post may write similar content and link back to your original post as a source. Search engines will then pick up on the fact that your content has linked back to a good content and (hopefully) rank your post higher than your competition. Google and Bing also display tweets in search results.



Social media marketing can help sending customers directly to your website. It's highly unlikely, that all your website traffic will come from a single source, let’s say Google. Social media adds diverse inbound traffic streams. Once again, this will assist your website in increasing the search rankings and getting more diversified traffic.



Your business revenue is directly proportional to your brands visibility over the internet. With a large number of users, which can be targeted as per your business needs, social media provides an excellent opportunity to offer direct sales (via social media advertising), and indirect sales (word-of-mouth advertising) - whatever the case, it will lead to substantial increase in sales conversions for your business.

Hi, my name is . I am looking for help with Social Media Marketing. My budget is INR and I need it done by . Please contact me at on at .


How we will help you with SMM?

Dedicated account manager

We will provide you a dedicated support, who will create your social media pages, run your social media advertising campaigns, starting with selecting the most appropriate platforms for your audience and setting a tailored strategy. We will also assist your existing campaigns to makeover.

Ad creation & testing

Once your pages have been designed, we will publish top-notch curated content and test different messaging to see what resonates the most with them. We will design and write copy as well as develop tests to consistently improve upon past results.

Conversion rate optimisation

We'll not let your budget go waste, and design strategies that offers absolute value to your social ad campaigns. We achieve this through testing offers, audiences, ads, and landing pages that we create for lead generation campaigns.

Updates & reporting

You own and have direct access to any social media advertising account we set up or manage on your behalf, but that’s not all. You will receive full and transparent reporting in easy-to-understand language and transparent reporting of our work on a weekly/fortnightly/monthly basis (as per your preference) In addition to scheduled zoom calls, we encourage frequent communication to ensure omotenashi works it’s magic.

Been there, done that

With over a decade of expertise, we carry through practical knowledge on the subject matter. Actually, Lights.Camera.Social has experienced the best of both worlds - the client’s side and the agency’s end. We are abreast with the type of content and marketing thereof, that generates business revenue.

AH-Hah content

We curate fresh content that rings the bell. Content is not about vocabulary, it’s about ease of understanding. Specific content for specific platforms, occasions, campaigns, offers, is something that we take pride in. We always remember that content is the sole reason search began in the first place.

industries we serve

Categories we master.

We have been reshaping the fortunes of clients in Hospitality, Education, Automobile, Beauty, Food Service, Retail, Luxury Goods, Cookware and more. Not just this, we carry an eye for detail and specialise in designing landing pages and websites with an oomph factor that is pleasing to the eyes and intriguing for the decision making part of the brain. We believe that possibility knows no bounds, and we are here to make that possible for you – FROM TODAY NOW!

Lights Camera Social SMM

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specialise in...

yes, we know the last thing
you need right now is
harping your brains amidst
your quarantine routine.
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